About Us
Kool Nerd Connect is a career education company that increases diverse students’ awareness of high-growth industries and their associated in-demand careers.
As employers are struggling to find workers, Kool Nerd Connect aims to have our diverse students become candidates for employment in high demanding careers.

A snapshot of the impact of the workforce skills gap
Over 600 responses from business professionals

There are more jobs available than unemployed people.
Today, Employers are facing the growing challenge of finding a skilled and diverse workers to fill open positions – especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics [STEM].
At Kool Nerd Connect we address this problem by increasing middle and high school school students’ awareness of and interest in pursuing in-demand careers.
Our Solution
To address this challenge, Kool Nerd Connect offers industry-career awareness courses to increase diverse students’ awareness of and interest in pursuing in-demand careers.

Our Approach
Through our A.C.E.D. model, Kool Nerd Connect assists diverse students to prepare for in-demand careers by providing:
✓ Awareness: provide students industry-career courses to increase their awareness [A] of and interest in in pursuing in-demand careers
✓ Connection: provide students with CO-OP exposure that connect [C] with employers
✓ Education: provide students educational [E] development to assist with their post-secondary pursuit
✓ Diverse Employment: cultivation of diverse [D] employees to meet employers’ recruitment demands
Our Clients

Kadeem is our student intern guiding you through our courses as you explore new careers.